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[size=15]Hello Everyone,

It is that time on month again were we all come together and catch up on the latest buzz. February 1st, 2018 will be our club meeting, at 130 E. Main Street Otisville Michigan right up M-15 just east of Subway at the light. Doors open at 6:45 P.M. meeting starts at 7:00 P.M.

We are taking bee orders at the meeting so please make sure you have your order blank and check/cash ready. Also remember to mark clearly your date of delivery and make sure your phone number is written clear.

Bees for Sale by:

Golden Harvest Apiaries are #3 pound package of Georgia bees, extra queens available.

AWS Bees LLC. are pound bees 2# and 3# from Northern California, extra queens available too. Choice of Brand of bees are Italian, Carolinian, Saskatraz. They also have 5 frame nuc's for sale please see their website for details at www.awsbeesllc.com

Remember all bees must be paid for in full by March 15th for the April orders and April 15th for the May orders.

I will be handling the orders for Golden Harvest Apiaries, after I introduce the speaker, I will be back in the kitchen to take orders, with out disturbing the guest speaker.

This month speaker will be Dave Anthony and Leo Stevens. They will talk on the new bees that are offered for sale Saskatraz Bees and then talk about all the bee lost all over the country this year, opening the floor open for questions and more.

March 9 & 10 will be the Spring Bee Conference in East Lansing. There is a block of room available please see the MBA website www.michiganbees.org for the details.
Where: Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center, East Lansing, MI

Who: Keynote Speakers Dr. Waldan Kwong, University of British Columbia – “Bees, bacteria, and colony health” and Dr. Meghan Milbrath, Michigan State University – “The Veterinary Feed Directive, Honey Bees, and You”, plus lots of break out sessions with beekeepers and educators from all over.

Plus many other great speakers, vendors, break out sessions, and time to talk bees.

Also remember that club dues $10.00 are due at the February meeting.

Thank you and see you Thursday
Views: 2433 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2018-01-28 | Comments (25)

[b][size=22]Mid Michigan Beekeepers Club Meeting February 1st doors
open at 6:45p.m. meeting starts at 7:00p.m. Club Dues are due and
taking orders for Bees.

Forest Township Hall
130 E. Main Street

Right off M-15 Just down from Subway
Views: 1488 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2018-01-15 | Comments (1)

Good Evening Fellow Beekeepers,

I hope everyone is staying well and warm. Just a note reminding everyone
that its that time of year to order your bees.

I have the prices for both AWS Bees LLC along with Bob Hollis. I have been told by both parties that the bees are going quick, so please get your order in.

Also there is a $2.00 cage deposit for Bob's bees this year

All orders must be paid in full by the 25th of March for the April 10-15 orders and Mays have to be paid by April 18th.

Our February meeting our guest speaker will be talking on the huge quantities of bees loss this past year and talk about the Hybrid bees available this year.

Club dues $10.00 are due February, make sure you see our treasurer Cathy.

Take care and have a great week!
Barb Applebee, President
Mid-Michigan Beekeepers Club
Meetings are 1st Thursday of the Month
Forest Township Hall - Community Center
130 E. Main Street
Otisville Michigan

Views: 2982 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2018-01-15 | Comments (0)



We do an order through the club and the club gets a kick back off the number of bees ordered together, through both parties. So please check out:

Leo Stevens and Dave Anthony www.awsbeesllc.com they have an order form on their website to print out; please print out both pages for your record. All single queens must be paid for when ordering upfront. Need to get all orders in as soon as possible.

Bob Hollis at Golden Harvest Apiaries: I'm now taking orders for Bees club prices 108.00 please be prepared to order at the February meeting. The reports I'm getting on bee losses are extremely high. I have already taken orders for 450 on my first load The dates are April 11th, May 5th, and May 12th Bob Hollis

There is a half down payment needed when ordering and rest of the money due Wednesday March 21, 2018 for the April shipment. I will be at the township hall from 1 to 4 pm to collect money and orders. Rest of money for the May 2018 shipments must be paid by April 18, 2018. I will be at the township hall 1 to 4 pm to collect money and orders. This gives both dealers enough time to cash their checks allow clearance before traveling for the bees.

Any questions on bees text or email Bob Hollis 810-338-1523 or goldenharvest@charter.net
AWS Bees Dave Anthony 810-526-0779 or Leo Stevens 810-836-6764
Views: 1398 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2018-01-04 | Comments (1)

Michigan Beekeepers’ Association Officers




President Sheldon Schwitek president@mba-bees.org
Vice-President Ann Leonard 816-656-8518 vicepresident@mba-bees.org
Past President Terry Toland pastpresident@mba-bees.org
Treasurer Theresa Wyatt 586-907-3983 treasurer@mba-bees.org
Secretary Mike French secretary@mba-bees.org
Member-at-Large India Oak memberatlarge@mba-bees.org
Member Communications Meghan Milbrath 517-884-9518 communications@mba-bees.org

Michigan Beekeepers Association District Representatives


Counties Name & Phone

Allegan, Barry, Berien, Branch,Calhoun, Cass, Kalamazoo, St. Joseph and Van Buren. Greg Willis

Clinton, Eaton, Gratiot, Hillsdale, Ingham, Jackson, Lenawee, Livingston, Shiawassee and Washtenaw. Chris Beck


Macomb, Monroe, Oakland, St. Clair and Wayne. Rich Wieske

Ionia, Kent, Lake, Mason, Mecosta, Montcalm, Muskegon, Newyago, Oceana, Osceola and Ottawa. Koffi Kpachavi

Alpena, Alcona, Antrim, Benzie, Crawford, Cheboygan, Charlevoix, Emmet, Grand Traverse, Kalkaska, Leelanau, Missaukee, Manistee, Otsego,Oscoda, Presque Isle, Wexford. Matt Tanana

Arenac, Bay, Clare, Genessee, Gladwin, Huron, Iosco, Isabella, Lapeer, Midland, Ogemaw, Roscommon, Saginaw, Sanilac and Tuscola Norm Adams

Alger, Baraga, Chippewa, Delta, Dickinson, Gogebic, Houghton, Iron, Keweenaw, Luce, Mackinac, Menominee, Marquette, Ontonagon, Schoolcraft. Joel Lantz

MDA and MSU Contacts

Position Name Phone Email
Apiary Inspector Mike Hansen 269-429-0669
800-292-3939 hansenmg@michigan.gov
MSU contact Zachary Huang 517-353-8136 bees@msu.edu
MSU contact Walter Pett 517-303-0334 pett@msu.edu
MSU contact Meghan Milbrath 651-428-0543 mpi@msu.edu
Views: 1606 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2017-12-30 | Comments (0)

Good Morning Fellow Beekeepers,

Happy New Year to All!

Its has been a very strange but time consuming week for me. With the weather being bitter cold and flurries I have decided to cancel the January 4th meeting. We will have a meeting in February 1st. So please help pass the word around.

Have a safe and Happy New Year!
Views: 1215 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2017-12-30 | Comments (0)

Good Morning,
Next Saturday July 29th is our club picnic. Bring a dish to pass, brown bag gift for the White Elephant Auction ( something inexpensive) and a little extra cash. Starts at noon we eat at 1:00 pm. Richfield Township Hall Pavilion just south of Coldwater Road on M-15.

We provide the Hamburgers, hot dogs, brats and grilled chicken breast. Ice Tea, Lemonade, Water and the place settings and condiments: ketchup, mustard, miracle whip, relish pickles, onions.

Plan on attending I will need a head count of adults and kids (their ages please) so I can shop for prizes in their age(kids only) group. Please R.S.V.P to me by Thursday July 27th at midnight by email here or text message (989)975-0161.

Thank you very much.

P.S. I still have a few who haven't paid for their shirts yet I will need the money
Views: 1670 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2017-07-18 | Comments (0)

[b][size=18]Good Morning Beekeepers,

Thank you for those who order bee friendly trees from Mike Connors / Honeytree Nursery. If anyone wants to order more we would have to have at least 50 trees for delivery.

Saturday, July 29th at noon(eat at 1:00 pm) will be our Club picnic At the Richfield Township Pavilion just south of Coldwater road.

Bring a dish to pass and a brown bag inexpensive gift for the white elephant auction. Also I will need a head count of attending people by July 26th the latest so I know how much meat to purchase.

Our regular auctioneer can not make the picnic so we someone to fill in please let me know.

I will not be here for the August meeting, so if anyone is interested in sitting at the table for the honey festival can do so, please let me know as I have handouts that we put on the table and sign up sheet for club emails.

Thursday July 6th in our Mid Michigan Beekeepers Meeting at 7:00 P.M.( doors open at 6:30P.M.) at 130 E. Main Street Otisville.

Tonight’s guest will be Jim Withers, topic bee biology. Jim is also donating a new observation hive for raffle so please bring extra money. Tickets are $1.00 each or 10 for $5.00.

August 5th from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Michigan Honey Festival at the Harvey Kern Pavilion in Frankenmuth. Melissa is looking for Volunteers to help out please see her or Chris and Cheri Persall.

Thank you and see you Thursday
Views: 1620 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2017-07-05 | Comments (0)

Mid-Michigan Beekeeper's Club meets monthly at the Forest Township Hall, located at
130 E. Main Street, Otisville, MI.
(Link to Google maps.)
We meet every FIRST THURSDAY of the month at 7pm, weather and holiday scheduling permitting.
Guest are invited and encouraged.
Views: 1423 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2017-06-01 | Comments (0)

Our club will be meeting June 1st, doors open at 6:30 P.M., meeting starts at 7:00 P.M. at Forest Township Hall 130 E. Main St. Otisville MI.

Enclosed is the minutes from the last meeting, please view and if you have any questions please bring them to the meeting.

We will be ordering Club shirts and jackets, Sweatshirts for those who are interested. I would like to have the order complete for June 30th so we can get our shirts as soon as they get them done. Please look at the attached pages for the colors shirts available and the Jackets. Five files attached one is the club logo, other three are shirts (1 is Pocket t shirts) other one is jacket colors. V neck shirts are available.

Club Picnic is July 29th at noon eating at 1:00 P.M.held at the Richfield Township Pavilion behind the township hall. Club provides the meat, plates silverware, drinks of ice tea, lemonade, water, condiments and place settings. You are asked to bring a dish to pass and a inexpensive brown bag gift for the auction. I ask if you are coming please give me a count of how many will be there so I know how much meat to get.

August 4 & 5 is Michigan Honey Festival. more details are in the works. can be seen at michiganhoneyfestival.com They are also looking for help with the honey festival and the making of the float for next months Frankenmuth parade. Please see Melissa, Chris & Cheri Persell(my apology if spelled wrong) for more details.

Thursday night speaker will be Arborist Mike Connor of Honey Tree Nursery, will speak on "Bees & Trees". Below is a link to the items Mike will have for sale or taking orders. Please check it out and jot down any item numbers you may be interested in.

Mike Connor's email: honeytreenursery@yahoo.com Honey Tree Nursery Price List: http://www.honeytreenursery.com/index.php

We will also be raffling off a few gift certificates at the meeting. Please make sure your sign in and get your ticket at the front table.

We will need to vote on our October 5th Meeting. Whether to go the Thursday before September 28th or Wednesday October 4th. We don't want to do the following Thursday as we will be running into the MBA Fall Conference. This reason is because the hall manager's daughter is getting married on Friday and they want to decorate the hall on Thursday. Think on it if you don't want to change we can have an smaller meeting that month.

We also need to make a motion to move our club dues from December 31 to December 1st so we have an complete list of club members for our extractor holders and Dave Anthony will like one for sending out order forms and knowledge of who belongs to our club when ordering bees. It will save us all time and less stress.

Views: 1373 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2017-06-01 | Comments (0)

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