[size=15]Hello Everyone,
It is that time on month again were we all come together and catch up on the latest buzz. February 1st, 2018 will be our club meeting, at 130 E. Main Street Otisville Michigan right up M-15 just east of Subway at the light. Doors open at 6:45 P.M. meeting starts at 7:00 P.M.
We are taking bee orders at the meeting so please make sure you have your order blank and check/cash ready. Also remember to mark clearly your date of delivery and make sure your phone number is written clear.
Bees for Sale by:
Golden Harvest Apiaries are #3 pound package of Georgia bees, extra queens available.
AWS Bees LLC. are pound bees 2# and 3# from Northern California, extra queens available too. Choice of Brand of bees are Italian, Carolinian, Saskatraz. They also have 5 frame nuc's for sale please see their website for details at www.awsbeesllc.com
Remember all bees must be paid for in full by March 15th for the April orders and April 15th for the May orders.
I will be handling the orders for Golden Harvest Apiaries, after I introduce the speaker, I will be back in the kitchen to take orders, with out disturbing the guest speaker.
This month speaker will be Dave Anthony and Leo Stevens. They will talk on the new bees that are offered for sale Saskatraz Bees and then talk about all the bee lost all over the country this year, opening the floor open for questions and more.
March 9 & 10 will be the Spring Bee Conference in East Lansing. There is a block of room available please see the MBA website www.michiganbees.org for the details. Where: Kellogg Hotel and Conference Center, East Lansing, MI
Who: Keynote Speakers Dr. Waldan Kwong, University of British Columbia – “Bees, bacteria, and colony health” and Dr. Meghan Milbrath, Michigan State University – “The Veterinary Feed Directive, Honey Bees, and You”, plus lots of break out sessions with beekeepers and educators from all over.
Plus many other great speakers, vendors, break out sessions, and time to talk bees.
Also remember that club dues $10.00 are due at the February meeting.
Thank you and see you Thursday
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