Good Afternoon Fellow Beekeepers,
Mid-Michigan Beekeepers meeting is this Thursday January 5, 2012 at 7:00p.m. Doors open at 6:30p.m.
Tonight we will be placing our bee orders with Dave Anthony AWS BEES LLC. At 8:15p.m. I will sit down with Dave Anthony and have beekeepers come up to pay for their order and get a receipt. I would like to open the floor to discussion amongst fellow beekeepers to help keep order in our paper work.
The club will also be having a white elephant auction that was scheduled at the Christmas Party, but due to the small turn out we agreed to auction it off at our January meeting. Auction bid will be open to the highest bidder; all precedes goes into the club kitty.
Dadant will be having a grand opening in February as they have moved into a new location in the building right behind the old store at 929 Elliott St.
*Question about made in Michigan stickers-are they retired?-Can we get pure MI stickers free? If not Terry Toland suggested contest through MBA to design logo. *Dave Anthony and Leo Stevens are available to share new information about MEAP-who come out to farms to make sure conditions are right for your bees. *Quebec City beekeeper convention - November 15 to 19 in Quebec Canada Doctor Zachary Huang will be teaching an in-depth class. This is an interesting class if you like to travel. *Terry Klein said the black bears are moving south and that the black bear that attacked him was killed. *USDA grade honey just has to taste good
*Terry Toland has spoke on a Michigan honey festival that he is co-chair for July 28th from 10-5. It is geared to the public and they are looking for vendors-$20 for a 10x10 table of whatever that you are selling has to be bee related
Help is needed to bring the Honey Festival together anyone interested in helping contact Jim Dodder or Terry Toland. We will be doing raffles monthly to help increase the club funds. If anyone has other ideas for fundraisers, please contact me and I will present it to the club for a vote.
We will be raffling off another complete hive at the ANR week in March; but we are kicking off ticket sales starting Thursday night. During ANR week it would be nice to have a few extra people willing to sit by the table and help sell tickets too. As soon as I get any information on the ANR week I will pass it along to you. There will be a MBA meeting on January 7, 2012 at 10:00a.m. if anyone is interested in attending. Your ideals and inputs will be heard at the meeting.
If anyone knows of fellow beekeepers that do not do the internets please get their name address and phone number and I will send them out a flyer when our meetings will be. I am looking into sending a club newsletter as well, both online and by mail for those who do not use the internet.
Club dues are past due we will be collecting $5.00 for our club dues. They usually run from January 1, of the current year until December 31 of the current year. Being this has not been done in two years, starting this year it will be done as other groups do. The date could be open to change when put in front of the club to vote on. I recommend with the holidays and the bee orders that we run our club dues from February 1 current year until January 31 the next year.
We will be entering Mid-Michigan Beekeepers BY-LAWS into our club this year.
Look Forward to seeing you Thursday
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