You will be using 1 part beeswax to 3 parts Oil (Wilda used Extra Virgin Olive Oil)
8oz Clean beeseax ( strainned through pieces of sweatshirts several time)
3 cups Oil (you could use a variety of Oils)
Place in double boiler, never put direct over direct heat
When its melts and blends with the oil, you can add Vitamins.
I use 1 teaspoon Vitamin E and 10 Vitamin softgels.(I use a needle
to puncture the softgel and squeeze it into the blend).
Last you add the scent you want. Tonight I used Spearmint & Lemon Oil.
This can be used for the skin care and lip balm too. All of these ingredients
are easily found. If you have any further questions you can contact me
by phone @810-653-8547 or email me at
Thank You for coming tonight, I hope you've learned something new that you'll be able to use.
Thank you Wilda for your presentation.