(4) Change in directory Autumn Bagley email autumun_bagley@yahoo.com (5) Rob Strom name should be Rob Ostrom (6) Change in directory Vern Martin email theironbarn@tds.net Add the following to the directory page of Local Supplies: (a) The Iron Barn Vern Martin 6823 N. Lapeer Rd. (M-24) Fostoria, MI 48435 989-795-2112 cell~810-358-0010 theironbarn@tds.net www.ironbarn.webs.com ~Custom metal work, stainless steel, copper, and wrought iron. Frame holders, pail holders, custom made benches, capping tanks, honey tanks, tables, and accessories. Welding and repair services available. (b) Home of the Honey Bee and Maple Tree Vern & Rose Martin and family 6823 N. Lapeer Rd. (M-24) Fostoria, MI 48435 989-795-2112 cell~810-358-0010 theironbarn@tds.net www.honeybeetree.webs.com ~Our own honey and maple syrup for sale, fundraising opportunities available. Again I apologize for any double emails. -- Barb Applebee, Secretary Mid-Michigan Beekeepers Club
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