This upcoming Saturday, Mid-Michigan Beekeepers Club is hosting
apitherapist Kristine Jacobson to speak at our usual meeting site, the
Richfield Township Offices, at 10am. Apitherapy is the use of products
from the hive to aid in everyday health. Items that Kristine will
speak about include honey (believed to be useful in tissue repairing,
wound dressing and burn relief), pollen (used to treat common
allergies), propolis (a natural anti-oxidant), along with the sting of
the honey bees themselves (believed to be useful in treating arthritis
and MS). Kristine was a guest speaker at SEMBA earlier this year, and
has since been featured on the Travel Channel. Her ideas and advice on
health and wellness will surely enlighten people on treatments that
have been well known in Eastern medicine, but are still considered
"folk" remedies here in the States. Please join us on Saturday, August
22, at 10am for an interesting presentation on this unique aspect of
beekeeping! Admission is free and open to the public, but donations
are greatly appreciated!
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