Hello Beekeepers!
It was good to see everyone at last month's club picnic. If you
weren't able to join us, you missed out on some good conversation and
great food. But, it's time again for our regular club meetings again.
This Thursday, August 6th, we'd love for you to join us at the
Richfield Township Offices for our Mid-Michigan Beekeepers Club
meeting. The meeting starts at 7pm and lasts until 9pm or so. As
always, feel free to bring your friends who may be curious about
Later this month, Mid-Michigan Beekeeper's Club will be sponsoring
apitherapist Kristine Jacobson. Kristine lives in the Grand Rapids
area and is a therapist who uses products from the hive to encourage
everyday health, including propolis and pollen, in addition to Bee
Venom Therapy (BVT). BVT uses the honey bees themselves to treat such
ailments as arthritis and pinched nerves. Kristine Jacobson is slated
to appear on August 22nd, at 10am at the Richfield Township Offices
(our regular meeting spot). The event is free, however donations are
appreciated. We would love for you to join us!