Mid-Michigan Beekeeper's Club will be sponsoring
apitherapist Kristine Jacobson, who was guest speaker at the Spring
SEMBA meeting, and was recently featured on The Travel Channel.
Apitherapy is the use of products from the hive to encourage everyday
health, and uses products ranging from propolis (a natural anti-oxidant
anti-bacterial) to pollen (traditionally used to treat seasonal
allergies). Living in the Grand Rapids area, Kristine is also a
practitioner of Bee Venom Therapy (BVT) and uses the honey bees
themselves to treat common ailments such as arthritis and pinched
nerves. BVT has also been shown to be effective in treating patients
with MS. Technically in the realm of folk medicine, her results are
very real. Bees, and their products, have been used for centuries in
Eastern medicines and is gaining interest in America. Kristine
Jacobson is slated to appear on August 22nd, at 10am. We would love
for you to join us in this interesting aspect of beekeeping!
NOTE: check out the Video Page for her appearance on THE TRAVEL CHANNELS "EXTREME ANIMAL ENCOUNTERS"
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