Or does anybody have a frame with eggs and or very young larvae so these bees have another chance to make a queen. If he wants to he could call one of the many queen sellers and have one shipped in a couple of days. They are typically about $18 and a few bucks shipping. Better than losing a hive. One more thing. If the hive recently swarmed he may be surprised to find eggs and brood in the next couple of days. If they swarmed and a new queen was made it will be a couple of weeks before he starts seeing any new eggs.
My issue was passed on by LumpyGravy above - thanks! I have already called around to several internet mail-order providers - most are out of stock. Weaver in Texas said next week but due to a family trip, I have about a 8-day window to get a new queen. After that, getting a new queen will have to wait about 3 weeks. I DO believe, however that the hive recently swarmed on me - there were several open queen cells that I cut out on Saturday when I opened the hive. So, perhaps as Jim suggests, I'll have some eggs or brood in a few days? This is very dissapointing since this is the first hive I've had get through the winter out of 3 previous attempts.