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Trying to keep you informed.
Here is more information you may be interested in.
The Ohio Apitherapy Day (using bee products for your health) will take place on February 18, 2012. The speakers are very educated on the subject.This program is very interesting and educational. I went to it last year and sure learned a lot. It is an all day event. It can be done (drive to, class, and drive home) in one day if you don't mind a very l-o-n-g day. (I did it last year.)

Cindy Dudock
President SVBA

Below is an excerpt from an e-mail I received regarding the pertinent information:

DATE: Saturday February 18, 2012
TIME: 8:00 – 8:30 am – 4:30 pm
PLACE: Pittsfield Township Hall, State Road 303 at Ohio Route 58 between Oberlin and Wellington Ohio

The speakers will be Donald Downs, Jim Higgins, Kristine Jacobson, David Richmond and Jerry Catana. The program is free (donations are accepted). There will be a pot luck lunch, bring a dish to pass. This is the best one day program about apitherapy that I know of. There are over 110 years of experience between the speakers. Come and learn about the health benefits of apitherapy! For more information contact:
Jerry Catana 586-463-2325
Kristine Jacobson 616-454-9119
Donald Downs 440-647-2483
Views: 4322 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2012-02-01 | Comments (0)

Mid-Michigan Beekeepers Club Meeting is this Thursday February2, 2012

Mid-Michigan Beekeeper's Club
Richfield Township Hall, located at
5381 N. State Rd., Davison, MI 48423
Meetings are at 7 pm, doors open 6:30pm.
President: Barb Applebee
Phone: 989-975-0161
Email: midmichiganbeekeepers@gmail.com
Website: www.midmichiganbeekeepers.com

Tonight we are going to open the meeting by voting the bylaws into our club that I passed out at the January meeting for all to read. Only item I am presenting to change in the bylaws is that our club pay their MBA dues to the club and our treasurer will issue the MBA a check for their portion of the dues paid. This ensures our club to get their $5.00 from each member paid.

We need to vote for 1 Member at Large replacement for our club.

We are raffling off another complete hive at the ANR week in March; tickets ($5.00) go on sale February 2, 2012 at the clubs meeting for our complete hive. The foundation is the winner’s obligation and choice.

I would like a few volunteers to sit by the clubs table at ANR Week to help sell tickets too. This would allow us to take a class or two and be able to walk around and see all the happenings at ANR Week. The drawing on the Hive will be on Saturday March 10th, 2012 at the 4:00pm business meeting.

As soon as I get any information on the ANR week I will pass it along to you.

Dadant Bee Supplier is having their open house this Saturday February 4th from 9 am until 1pm.
Dadant new address is 929 Elliott St Albion MI 49224.

Dadant will also be offering a Brand New Beekeeping class on February 11 from 9am to 1pm.
Cost is $30 the first 25 people who prepaid; which includes the book “First Lessons of Beekeeping” there are only 25 seats available. The cost includes sandwich lunch and $10 towards the same day purchase of bee equipment.

Dadant will also be a vendor at Michigan Beekeepers Association ANR week at Michigan State on March 9 & 10 2012. Anyone who wishes to order bee equipment from Dadant they will deliver to the March ANR Week meeting free shipping, also remember to let them know you’re a member of the Mid-Michigan Beekeepers Club.

There will be a MBA meeting on February 11, 2012 at 10:00a.m., if anyone is interested in attending. Your ideals and inputs will be heard at the meeting.

If anyone knows of fellow beekeepers that do not do the internets please get their name address and phone number and I will send them out a flyer when our meetings will be.

I am looking into sending a club newsletter as well, both online and by mail for those who do not use the internet.

Honey Festival set for July 28, 2012; they are looking for more vendors and help to promote the festival. Booths are 10 x 10 costs is $20.00 a table and $10.00 per table after that.

Anyone who hasn’t paid their $5.00 club dues please see Wilda or me and get ready for our MBA 2012 Spring Conference in East Lansing on March 9 and 10. Please be sure to mark your calendars so you won’t forget.

I received this fax from Dave Anthony on Media craziness and phorids and Bees from his California contacts at Howard Hughes Medical Institute. The fax read:

It looks like the media has really run with the whole zombie-bee phorid thing. Charles and I are authors on that paper, but I want you to know that we do not agree with the statements being made in the press and by others, calming that phorids are even remotely responsible for colony collapse. You may hear from your stakeholders that are listening to the popular press today. The media the media is way over-hyping this story.

Don Schram has Medication Free 5 frame Nucs for sale. Raised here in Michigan anyone interested please call Don at 248-310-8205 or email him at don.schram@gmail.com . Deadline is March 24, 2012 or until sold out. Target arrival date April 20th, day depends on the weather and nuc production. Two pick up points are Davison MI or White Lake MI. A deposit of $35 per nuc is needed to reserve your order and balance due no later than April 13, 2012 or you have the choice to paid the balance in full up front it’s your choice.

Tonight guess speaker will be Jim Withers. Jim is putting together a syllabus series of topics on beekeeping classes that he has offered to teach fellow beekeepers of all degrees. Tonight Jim Withers will talk on his idea and when he will have it available.

Views: 2445 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2012-02-01 | Comments (0)

Good Afternoon Fellow Beekeepers,

Mid-Michigan Beekeepers meeting is this Thursday January 5, 2012 at 7:00p.m.
Doors open at 6:30p.m.

Tonight we will be placing our bee orders with Dave Anthony AWS BEES LLC. At 8:15p.m. I will sit down with Dave Anthony and have beekeepers come up to pay for their order and get a receipt. I would like to open the floor to discussion amongst fellow beekeepers to help keep order in our paper work.

The club will also be having a white elephant auction that was scheduled at the Christmas Party, but due to the small turn out we agreed to auction it off at our January meeting. Auction bid will be open to the highest bidder; all precedes goes into the club kitty.

Dadant will be having a grand opening in February as they have moved into a new location in the building right behind the old store at 929 Elliott St.

*Question about made in Michigan stickers-are they retired?-Can we get pure MI stickers free? If not Terry Toland suggested contest through MBA to design logo.

*Dave Anthony and Leo Stevens are available to share new information about MEAP-who come out to farms to make sure conditions are right for your bees.

*Quebec City beekeeper convention - November 15 to 19 in Quebec Canada Doctor Zachary Huang will be teaching an in-depth class. This is an interesting class if you like to travel.

*Terry Klein said the black bears are moving south and that the black bear that attacked him was killed.

*USDA grade honey just has to taste good

*Terry Toland has spoke on a Michigan honey festival that he is co-chair for July 28th from 10-5. It is geared to the public and they are looking for vendors-$20 for a 10x10 table of whatever that you are selling has to be bee related

Help is needed to bring the Honey Festival together anyone interested in helping contact Jim Dodder or Terry Toland. We will be doing raffles monthly to help increase the club funds. If anyone has other ideas for fundraisers, please contact me and I will present it to the club for a vote.

We will be raffling off another complete hive at the ANR week in March; but we are kicking off ticket sales starting Thursday night. During ANR week it would be nice to have a few extra people willing to sit by the table and help sell tickets too. As soon as I get any information on the ANR week I will pass it along to you.
There will be a MBA meeting on January 7, 2012 at 10:00a.m. if anyone is interested in attending. Your ideals and inputs will be heard at the meeting.

If anyone knows of fellow beekeepers that do not do the internets please get their name address and phone number and I will send them out a flyer when our meetings will be. I am looking into sending a club newsletter as well, both online and by mail for those who do not use the internet.

Club dues are past due we will be collecting $5.00 for our club dues. They usually run from January 1, of the current year until December 31 of the current year. Being this has not been done in two years, starting this year it will be done as other groups do. The date could be open to change when put in front of the club to vote on. I recommend with the holidays and the bee orders that we run our club dues from February 1 current year until January 31 the next year.

We will be entering Mid-Michigan Beekeepers BY-LAWS into our club this year.

Look Forward to seeing you Thursday
Views: 6717 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2012-01-04 | Comments (0)

Merry Chirstmas Fellow Beekeepers
A good portion of you have ordered bees, but I am sending a reminder to the rest
of the club who haven't. January 2012 is 13 days away and our bee order will be
coming to a close. If there are any more beekeepers who are interested in ordering
please get with me as soon as possible. I would like to get our order set and secure
to make sure we get our bees.

I believe Dave Anthony will be at the club meeting on January 5th to collect the orders.

Terry Toland maybe making his appearance to speak to our club as he did with Saginaw Valley Beekeepers earlier this month after his election or MBA President.

Club dues are currently due, they will run for example from January 1, 2012 until December 31,2012 being renewable at the January meeting.

Help is needed to bring the Honey Festival together any one interested in helping contact Im Dodder or Terry Toland. We will be doing raffles monthly to help increase the club funds. If anyone has other ideals for fundraisers, please contact me and I will present it to the club for a vote.

We will be raffling off another complete hive at the ANR week in March, it would be nice to have a few extra people willing to sit by the table and help sell tickets too. As soon as I get any information on the ANR week I wqill pass it along to you. There will be a MBA meeting on January 14, 2012 at 10:00a.m. if any one is interested in attending. Your ideals and inputs will be heard at the meeting.

If anyone knows of a fellow beekeepers who does not do the internet please get their name address and phone number and I will send them out a flyer when our meetings will be. I am looking into sending a club newsletter as well, both online and by mail for those who do not use the internet.

I also want to take a moment and let you know you all have been a terriffic group of
beekeepers and friends. Each one brings a little something to our meetings which all are important. There always room for questions even if it has been asked before.This is what makes our group so unique. We compliment each other in our thought and what we share.

Tis the season to enjoy each other, family and friends and to share our beekeeping lessons and products with our loved ones. Look forward to what is in store for us in the coming new year. Please be safe in your holiday travels and look forward to seeing you next year.


Barb Applebee, President
Mid-Michigan Beekeepers Club
Views: 1735 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2011-12-19 | Comments (0)


Kellogg Hotel & Conference Center
Michigan State University
55 South Harrison Avenue
East Lansing, MI 48824-1022

Phone: (517) 432-4000
Reservation Line: (800) 875-5090

Once again, you can register on line ahead of time and receive a discount! By registering ahead of time, your conference materials will be waiting for you at the door and there will be no need to stand in line. So do yourself a favor and register ahead!

You can pre-register on line through the MBA web site for a discount! Simply click here.

At the door registration will be held in the main hallway across from the Kellogg’s Center check-in counter. For those who are pre-registered, you can pickup your conference materials at this same location.

Registration Fees: (both days)
MBA Member: $20.00 pre-registered; $25.00 at the door
MBA Member Spouse: $10.00 pre-registered; $15.00 at the door
Non-Member: $40.00 pre-registered; $45.00 at the door
Non-member Spouse: $10.00 pre-registered; $15.00 at the door

Registration Fees: (one day only)
MBA Member: $10.00 pre-registered; $15.00 at the door.
Non-Member: $20.00 pre-registered; $25.00 at the door.
Guest or Spouse: $5.00 pre-registered; $10.00 at the door.

Parking is available in the parking ramp immediately adjacent (south) of the Kellogg Center. Unlike the spring conference, parking in the ramp will require that you obtain a parking pass from the conference registration desk. The pass is included as part of your registration fee. Without the pass, there will be a parking fee.
Overnight lodging is available at the Kellogg Center and other local hotesl. If staying at the Kellogg Center, be sure to use the Group Number “MBK120111″. Reservations may be made at the Kellogg Center on line at http://www.kelloggcenter.com/ or by phone at (800) 875-5090.

For each peson staying at the Kellogg Center, MBA receives a credit that goes toward offsetting the conference expenses. so plesae conside the Kellogg Center for your lodging needs.

On Friday night, we will hold our annual “Beekeeper’s Banquet” at the Kellogg Center. Details regarding the Banquet will be posted on this web site as they are finalized and be made available at the Conference. It will be necessary to purchase a ticket, available in the registration room, prior to the Banquet. The cost will be $25 per person. Please purchase your banquest tickets early so that we can provide an accurate count to the hotel’s staff. If you register on-line, you can include the number of banquet tickets you want as part of the registration process.

Meals can be obtained at the Kellogg Center’s State Room, but early reservations are recommended. Also, the Brody Complex Cafeteria is available directly across the street from the Kellogg Center. The cafeteria is definitely not what you remember it to be back in the days you were attending college. Reliable reports have this cafeteria to be very reasonably priced, with very good food and it is certainly convenient.
Views: 5958 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2011-12-01 | Comments (0)

[size=18] Mid-Michigan Beekeeper's Club
Richfield Township Hall, located at
5381 N. State Rd., Davison, MI 48423
Meeting is Thursday December 1st at 7 pm. Doors open 6:30p.m.

President: Barbara Applebee
Phone: 989-975-0161
Views: 935 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2011-12-01 | Comments (0)

Absentee Ballot Available for 2011 MBA Election the following is the website to visit for the ballot.



As per Section 2 of Article X of the MBA constitution, absentee balloting for the 2011 MBA election are now available. Here are the details…

General Rules:
1. To vote, you must be a member “in good standing”. This means that you must have your 2011 dues paid or be a life member. If your dues were not paid for 2011, then you cannot vote. To check your membership status, click here.

2. Single memberships are entitled to one vote. Family memberships are entitled to two votes.

3. If you submit an absentee ballot, then you will not be eligible to vote at the 2011 Business Meeting (at the fall conference). This is to say you can only vote once.

4. The absentee ballot can be downloaded by clicking here.

5. The absentee ballot is interactive and may be completed on your computer. Or you can print the ballot and complete the ballot by hand.

Submission Procedures
The absentee ballot may be submitted by email or mailed to the Election Committee. All ballots must be received (not postmarked, but received) no later than Thursday, November 30 2011. No exceptions.

To submit your ballot by email…
1. REQUIRED: Enter your name in the “Print Member Name” field provided on the ballot stub.

2. REQUIRED: Enter your email address in the “Member Signature” field provided on the ballot stub. This email address must match that under which you submit the ballot.

3. Then click the “Submit by E-mail” button on the bottom of the ballot stub. When you click on the form’s “Submit by E-mail” button, your local email client will start up in another window. The email will be pre-addressed (mrisk75@gmail.com) and your completed absentee ballot will be shown as an attachment. All you need to do is send the email. If this procedure does not happen, then your ballot was not sent. You may need to print the ballot to a PDF file and send it manually.

4. You should receive an acknowledgement within 24 hours, If this does not happen, please contact Mike Risk at 517-651-9842 (home) or 517-643-1880 (cell).

5. If you have issues, please read the extended instructions at the bottom of this article.

To submit your ballot by mail…
1. Print the ballot by clicking the “Print Ballot” button on the bottom of the ballot stub. Or you can use the print services of the browser window in which the absentee ballot is opened.

2. REQUIRED: Print your name in the “Print Member Name” field provided on the ballot stub.

3. REQUIRED: Sign your name in the “Member Signature” field provided on the ballot stub.

4. Mail ballot(s) to:
Mike Risk
MBA 2011 Election Committee
7575 Hollister Road
Laingsburg, MI 48848

5. If you wish to maintain anonymity, detach the ballot from this stub and put the ballot in a separate envelope. One ballot per envelope. Then enclose the ballot envelope(s) inside another envelope to mail. Put the ballot stub(s) in the outer envelope.

Additional information when submitting your ballot by email…
As you may have realized, this is the first time that MBA has implemented an absentee ballot procedure. An absentee ballot is required by the MBA constitution that was adopted in 2010. If there are still glitches in the procedures, please accept our apologies as we work these out. Constructive comments are welcome.

In preliminary testing, the main issues seem to be involved when submitting (returning) the absentee ballot by email. There are a lot of different factors that come into play, many of which concern how you have your local email procedures configured on your computer. These factors, of course, are out of our control. So this section is provided to describe what is suppose to happen. If it doesn’t for you, then we suggest some alternatives.

First, after you complete your ballot (as per instructions above) and click the “Submit by E-mail” button, a dialog box should appear asking if you use a “desktop email application” (such as Outlook or Eudora) or “Internet Email” (suc as Yahoo, Microsoft Hotmail or gmail). You are asked to select which option applies to you.

If you use “Internet Email”, then the dialog box instructs you to save your ballot (or print it to a PDF document) and submit it to the MBA election committee as an attachment. This you will have to do just as you would for any other email and attachment.

If you use “Desktop Email Application”, then when you click the OK button on the dialog box, your email client should start automatically, with the appropriate email address and your absentee ballot already attached. All you have to do is send the email.

What happens if you don’t see this dialog box or your email client does not start automatically? This situation would indicate that the automated procedure may not be working in your case. Therefore, you can either save your absentee ballot – or print it to a PDF file – and send the ballot via email just like you would any other attached document.

Or, you can print your absentee ballot, and mail it to the election committee.

Share .

Views: 1378 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2011-11-07 | Comments (0)

Mid-Michigan Beekeepers Club Meeting

Richfield Township Hall, located at
5381 N. State Rd., Davison, MI 48423
of the month at 7 pm.
Doors open at 6:30p.m.
President: Jim Wither
Phone: 810-736-0128

Email: munnytauchs@yahoo.com or

Website: www.midmichiganbeekeepers.com

Open to the public so please come and check our club out and learn about natures of Honey Bees and how they work. The Mid-Michigan Beekeepers Club has a variety of beekeepers from first timers to experienced beekeepers of many years.
Views: 1643 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2011-09-24 | Comments (0)

Our club picnic went off with a bang. We had a good turn out, lots of good food and great games. Thank you to Jim and Wilda Dodder who purchasaed the meats & buns, JIm & Lee Withers for their grills and Lee's excellent grilling techniques. Thank you to all came and those who help clean up. We made this picnic memorable over last. Hope next year is good as well. I apologize for going a bit over board on the prizes, does'nt take long for things to add up. Brad Prezes for his picture taking along with Wilda Dodder and Tom Applebee. Special thank you out to Rob Ostram who was our terreffic auctioneer and bingo caller. Thank you everyone for making it a great success.
Views: 1871 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2011-08-05 | Comments (0)

Our Club Picnic is at a new location this SATURDAY JULY 23

FLINT MI 48506
Phone: (810)736-7100

Time: 1:00 P.M.
Set up 12:00p.m.

Date: July 23, 2011

Bring a dish to pass, some bring one dish and one dessert(Optional) and a White Elephant Auction gift in a brown bag. Gift can be something laying around or second hand or brand new. Doesn’t have to be expensive or very big.

Please RSVP me at midmichiganbeekeepers@gmail.comhow many will be coming so we know how much meet to buy.

We look forward to seeing you there.......

Jim Withers------Jim & Wilda Dodder------Barb Applebee
Views: 1033 | Added by: Sweetpea | Date: 2011-07-18 | Comments (0)

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